For 10 years Roger Rahmann did not walk. He was told he would never walk again by his doctor due to severe arthritis that sidelined the now 68-year old retired plumber.

"I loved my job and planned to keep going into my 70s but I had to stop I just couldn't do it anymore because of the hard, physical work required to lay pipe for water mains. Where I was living had too many stairs so in May, 2018, I came to Cambridge Country Manor because I needed help."

And that's when things started to change for the better. Refusing to give up, Roger worked hard every day with staff at the home. He did 2 fitness classes and one-on-one physiotherapy every day to regain what he had lost - mobility.

Slowly he began to walk again with the aid of a walker. Courage and perseverance paid off and in October he was given the OK to walk on his own. Today, he can walk up to 60 feet on his own without the aid of his walker.

"I feel great," he says. "I can't thank staff enough. I couldn't have done it without them." With his new-found freedom, Roger makes his own bed and can dress himself. Things so many of us take for granted.

For those facing similar challenges, Roger says: "don't give up, be determined because you can do it."

When spring arrives, Roger has one goal - "I can't wait to go for a walk outside."

Elderly man in blue plaid button up with walker

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